Ethereal Facial

At our clinic, we proudly offer a diverse array of facial services meticulously crafted to not only address your skincare needs but also to provide a deeply immersive experience that revitalizes your senses.

LED light therapy

Celluma LED light therapy devices use specific wavelengths of light energy to improve cellular health by accelerating the repair and replenishment of compromised tissue cells for enhanced results.

Hydrojelly Facial Mask

Indulge in the ultimate skincare luxury with our Hydrojelly Facial Mask. Crafted to deliver unparalleled hydration and rejuvenation, this innovative mask is infused with potent ingredients designed to nourish, soothe, and revitalize your skin.


Unveil the luminosity within you, as the art of dermaplaning transforms your visage into a masterpiece of timeless beauty as fine lines and dullness gracefully surrender to the gentle touch of our professionals.

BioLift Microcurrent

Our Microcurrent BioLift technology represents a groundbreaking method for non-invasive facial rejuvenation. This treatment, encompassing the face and neck, is designed for skin tightening, toning, and firming. The remarkable outcomes of microcurrent facial toning are frequently likened to "non-surgical facelifts." Optimal results are achieved through a series of treatments..


Our IM (Intramuscular) and SQ (subcutaneous) treatments are designed to fight the effects of radicals and toxins, helping to detoxify your body and leave you feeling revitalized and refreshed. 

Weight Loss

Experience the revolutionary weight loss treatment, Semaglutide, at J'esthetics Beauty Bar and IV Hydration. Developed by leading scientists, Semaglutide is a cutting-edge medication that effectively helps you achieve your weight loss goals.


At J'esthetics, we understand that men's health is about more than just the absence of illness; it's about optimizing your well-being and reclaiming your vitality. That's why we offer comprehensive testosterone therapy solutions tailored to your unique needs.

"Empowering Lives, One IV Drip at a Time."

"Empowering Lives, One IV Drip at a Time."

IV Hydration

IV (Intravenous) therapy is a safe and effective way of administering fluids directly into your bloodstream, allowing for faster absorption of water, medication, nutrients, and blood. Our IV treatments are carefully formulated to provide a range of benefits, including guaranteed faster absorption, increased energy, and instant rehydration. With fast treatment times and immediate results, our IV therapy is the ideal preventive therapy to keep you feeling your best.

At J'esthetics IV Hydration and Beauty Bar, we understand that each individual's needs are different. That's why we offer customized IV treatments tailored to your specific requirements. Our expertly trained staff will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and goals. So come and experience the benefits of our IV and IM treatments today. 

IV cocktails available:

  • Myer's Old Fashioned  

  • Metabolic Margarita 

  • Recovery Rum Punch 

  • Glowtini 

  • Immunity Elixir

  • The Painkiller

  • NAD+Tonic 

  • Pisco Sour aka High Dose Vitamin C 

  • Electrolyte Oasis

  • Saline Serenity (500 mL or 1000 mL)


Lira Medical

Revision Skincare

Defenage Platinum Pro